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Grissom Heat & Air Keeps the Community Comfortable

Grissom Heat & Air keeps your family safe and comfortable all year long with residential HVAC services in Knoxville, TN and the surrounding areas. We have been proudly serving the local community for 40 years. Our knowledgeable and skilled HVAC team offers comprehensive residential HVAC services. Whether you need an emergency repair, a system upgrade, routine maintenance, or air quality solutions, you can always expect us to deliver exceptional service. As a local, award-winning HVAC company, you can count on our technicians to be there for you every step of the way. Speak with an HVAC specialist today to get started on your service or installation.

HVAC Expert installing an air conditioner in Knoxville, TN

New HVAC Replacement and Installation

Choosing the right furnace or air conditioner is essential for keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. If your system is too small, you’ll experience uneven heating and cooling. However, if it’s too large, you’ll end up paying more in energy costs over the system’s lifetime. Luckily, you can trust our skilled and licensed HVAC technicians to help you design and install the right HVAC system for your home based on your home’s size, need, and budget. Whether your old system needs to be replaced or you want a quieter HVAC for your home, we’re the team you can trust. Our comprehensive HVAC replacement and installation services include the following:

  • Furnace Installation
  • System Design Service
  • AC Installation
  • Ductwork Installation

Residential HVAC Maintenance for an Efficient System

Routine maintenance for your home’s furnace and air conditioner ensures your family stays comfortable all year long. Our skilled and licensed HVAC technicians have the experience and proper tools to handle a wide range of repairs for numerous makes and models. Whether you’ve been experiencing a rise in energy costs or your system is making an unusual noise, it’s always smart to have a trained professional inspect your HVAC before the start of the season. Some of the brands our team has experience working with include the following:

  • Amana
  • Goodman
  • Honeywell
  • And More

Trust Us for Responsive Emergency HVAC Repairs

An inoperable HVAC system can make fun summer days uncomfortable and turn your cozy winter night into a frigid evening. Unfortunately, you can never be certain when your HVAC system is about to fail. Whenever it does, you can feel confident our technicians will be at the ready, day or night, with comprehensive emergency HVAC repair services. We know the challenges homeowners face when their HVAC system isn’t working correctly. Our team has experience performing repairs on various makes, models, and types, so you can count on us to make the necessary repairs for your HVAC system the first time.

Save Money With Energy-Efficient Upgrades

Are you tired of paying too much for your home’s heating or cooling bill? Upgrading your home’s old, inefficient HVAC system may provide you with significant savings and pay for itself over the system’s lifetime. And, with qualified tax credits and rebates, you’ll be amazed at how affordable it is to install a new energy-efficient unit. At Grissom Heat & Air, our technicians have access to a wide variety of the top Energy Star-rated products available today. Reduce your carbon footprint, lower your energy costs, and stay comfortable all year long with our energy-efficient upgrades.

Protect Your Family With Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Over time, dirt, allergens, and bacteria can become stuck in your HVAC system and ducts, spreading invisible pathogens throughout your home. If you or someone in your family is experiencing allergy-like symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or a runny nose, the issue may be your HVAC unit. Sometimes, it’s not enough to replace the filter. At Grissom Heat & Air, we offer a wide range of indoor air quality solutions to improve the air quality inside your home.

Ductwork Repair

The ductwork carries conditioned air from your air conditioner or furnace to different rooms in your home. However, over time, ductwork can begin to deteriorate, leading to air leaks and clogs, which lowers its efficiency. Regular inspections can be conducted to identify these issues early to restore your system and provide comfort to your home and family. Ductwork repair can help you improve your home’s efficiency, safety, and comfort. Some common signs you need ductwork repair include the following:

  • Uneven Heating
  • Excessive Dust
  • Noisy System
  • Poor Air Quality

Trusted Residential HVAC Service and Repair

When you need comprehensive residential HVAC services in Knoxville, TN and the surrounding area, you can count on the local technicians at Grissom Heat & Air. Our team offers comprehensive services, including repair, replacement, and upgrades. When you choose us, we take the time to inspect your HVAC unit thoroughly and provide thoughtful recommendations for upgrades. We have the right parts and tools to complete the service correctly the first time so you and your family can enjoy the comfort of being home. As a member of the BBB, our team is committed to ensuring you’re satisfied with the quality of our repairs and new installations. Contact our team today to schedule your service.

Call Grissom Heat & Air at (865) 922-9401!