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Exceptional Emergency HVAC Services in Knoxville

If your HVAC system breaks down, you’ll want immediate help. That’s why Grissom Heat & Air offers emergency HVAC services in Knoxville, TN, and the surrounding areas. Homeowners and property managers know HVAC issues never happen at a convenient time. But that doesn’t matter to our expert emergency HVAC technicians. We’re available around the clock to provide timely professional HVAC assistance. Call us in the middle of the night, on holidays, or on weekends, and we’ll be there. Learn more about our HVAC expertise and the unpredictability of HVAC emergencies below.

A technician performing emergency HVAC repairs at a commercial property in Knoxville, TN.

HVAC Emergencies Are Unpredictable

HVAC emergencies often strike when you least expect them. Worse yet, sudden breakdowns can leave homeowners and business managers scrambling for solutions. In Knoxville, where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically, a malfunctioning HVAC system can quickly become a serious issue. But that doesn’t have to be the case. A quick call to Grissom Heat & Air is the first step toward restoring your comfort. The unpredictability of HVAC emergencies means having us on speed dial is essential. Call us at the first sign of trouble to avoid prolonged discomfort, minimize repair costs, and even avoid safety hazards.

A Technician repairing duct pipes at a Commercial Property in Knoxville, TN

Common HVAC Emergencies in Knoxville

Several common HVAC issues may qualify as emergencies. These include complete system failure, strange noises, unpleasant odors, or leaks. Any of these can create significant discomfort and pose risks to your health and safety.

A complete system failure is the most dreaded HVAC emergency. It can occur for several reasons. During our diagnostics tests, we’ll check for electrical faults, faulty components, or age-related wear and tear. Regardless, immediate action is necessary.

The same is true when you recognize odd noises or odors. Either may indicate underlying issues. For example, rattling, banging, or squealing sounds often signify mechanical problems. Ignoring them can lead to more severe damage.

How to Recognize HVAC Problems

Recognizing an HVAC emergency early can save you a lot of trouble. Pay attention to warning signs such as inconsistent temperatures, sudden spikes in energy bills, and the noises or odors we mentioned above.

Inconsistent temperatures throughout your home or office suggest your HVAC system is struggling to maintain a steady climate. This could be because of issues with the thermostat, ductwork, or HVAC unit itself. Our experts can pinpoint the problem and quickly devise a solution that fits your needs and budget. Call us right away so that we can address your concerns before they snowball into much bigger issues.

Why Prompt HVAC Attention is Necessary

Prompt, professional assistance is crucial to prevent further damage when dealing with an HVAC emergency. Attempting to fix the problem yourself can lead to costly mistakes and even more significant problems down the line. But we have expert HVAC technicians equipped with the latest tools and technology to diagnose problems and provide solutions. Our residential and commercial HVAC emergency services ensure a quick resolution for current problems and preventative measures to keep your system running smoothly.

What You Should Do During an HVAC Emergency

If you are facing an HVAC emergency, we want you to remain calm. First, turn off your system to prevent further damage. Then, call Grissom Heat & Air for 24-hour emergency HVAC services. Our friendly staff will collect as much information as possible to understand the situation and alert our technicians about what to expect. This enables us to bring the proper tools for the job.

Our Comprehensive Emergency HVAC Repair Services

Grissom Heat & Air is a trusted name in Knoxville when it comes to emergency HVAC services. We have more than four decades’ worth of industry experience, and we’ve built a reputation for dependability and efficiency. We’ll restore your comfort whether it’s a sweltering summer day or freezing February night. Our comprehensive residential and commercial HVAC emergency services include but are not limited to:


  • Air Conditioning Repairs – We provide specialized emergency air conditioning services to keep you cool. At a moment’s notice, we can come to your property to address anything from refrigerant leaks to compressor failures. We’ll work diligently to ensure you can stay cool.
  • Heating Repairs – When temperatures drop, you need reliable heat. We are knowledgeable about all kinds of systems. Rely on us to repair your furnace, heat pump, or any other unit you may have.

Benefits of Choosing Grissom Heat & Air

Our clients know to expect exceptional HVAC services regardless of the hour. We take pride in our rapid response times throughout Knoxville from a team of highly trained and certified technicians. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is just one way we set ourselves apart from the competition. We’ll prioritize communication throughout your service to ensure you know what you’re getting and why. We can even help with financing.

Contact Us During Your HVAC Emergency

When your heating or air conditioning system stops working in the middle of the night, there’s no better team to call for HVAC emergency services in Knoxville than Grissom Heat & Air. We’re standing by to answer your questions and provide the assistance you need. Contact us as soon as problems arise.

Contact us for HVAC maintenance and repair.
(865) 922-9401