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Breaking Down Heat Pump Styles in Knoxville, TN

With football season in full swing and the leaves turning beautiful colors, you’ll need a reliable heating system. Grissom Heat & Air offers ducted and ductless heat pump systems and services in Knoxville, TN, to keep you warm. Our team of expert technicians wants you to remain comfortable regardless of the season. Learn the differences between ducted and ductless heat pumps below, and then call us for a consultation to determine what may work best for you.

A HAVC Expert repairing a traditional HVAC System in Knoxville, TN

Heat Pumps are Efficient Alternatives to Traditional HVAC Systems

Heat pumps offer a different approach to heating and cooling than traditional HVAC systems. They move heat rather than generate it. For example, they can extract heat from outside air during the winter and pump it indoors. Conversely, they reverse the process in summer to remove heat from your home. Their efficiency makes heat pumps attractive choices for homeowners who want to lower their utility bills and reduce their carbon footprints.

But energy savings aren’t their only benefit. Heat pumps provide consistent comfort by maintaining a steady indoor climate. Rather than blasting hot air intermittently like traditional furnaces, they circulate air evenly. That means fewer cold spots in the winter and more controlled temperatures during summer.

However, ducted and ductless heat pumps vary in several ways. Choosing the right one for your home or commercial building will influence both energy savings and comfort. So, it’s important to choose wisely. Grissom Heat & Air is eager to help.

What Are Ducted Heat Pumps?

Ducted heat pumps use a series of ducts to distribute air throughout your home or property. In that way, they’re like traditional HVAC setups but with the added efficiency of a heat pump. This makes them ideal for homes with existing ductwork because they can use the same infrastructure.

In a ducted heat pump system, the main unit is typically installed outside, with ducts carrying air to various rooms. This allows for centralized control, which will help maintain consistent temperatures. Furthermore, this system is minimally intrusive aesthetically because all the ducts are hidden within walls and ceilings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ducted Heat Pumps

The main advantage of ducted heat pumps is their ability to heat or cool entire homes seamlessly. You’ll have a single control point for dual functionality, maintaining your comfort year-round. They’re ideal upgrades for homes with existing ductwork.

However, they can be costly if your home has no existing ducts or extensive modifications are needed. Grissom Heat & Air can evaluate your current setting to determine the ease of installation. Also, homeowners with ducted heat pumps must perform regular maintenance to ensure efficient operation and good indoor air quality, which some consider a drawback.

Ducted Systems Installed at a commercial property in Knoxville, TN.

How Ductless Heat Pumps Work

Ductless heat pumps, also called mini splits, don’t rely on ductwork. Instead, they use individual units mounted in rooms to provide heating and cooling. Every unit is connected to an outdoor compressor, allowing for precise temperature control.

Grissom Heat & Air can install ductless heat pumps quickly and efficiently. The process is far simpler and faster than ducted heat pump installation. Our ductless heat pump contractors can often complete the setup within one day. Such ease of installation makes them a cost-effective option for many homeowners in Knoxville and the surrounding areas.

Pros and Cons of Ductless Heat Pumps

The flexibility of ductless heat pumps is among their biggest advantages. You can control the temperature in individual rooms rather than one setting for the whole home. This optimizes comfort and allows you to conserve energy by not conditioning unused spaces. Furthermore, the absence of ducts minimizes energy loss, which means even greater efficiency.

However, ductless heat pumps have a few limitations. The initial cost can be high, especially if you need several units for a large house. And while they are sleeker than ever, some may not like the look of wall-mounted units throughout a home.

Bottom Line: Ducted or Ductless Heat Pump?

Heat pumps are excellent choices for Knoxville homeowners hoping to improve energy efficiency and maintain consistent comfort. They’re a versatile solution for heating and cooling, making them a smart investment. The decision between a ducted or ductless heat pump will depend on your specific needs. Our friendly staff will help you choose based on your home’s layout, existing infrastructure, budget, and personal preferences.

Cost, installation, and home size are all major factors to consider. Ducted systems may require more upfront investment, especially if your ducts need modification, but they provide a unified system. Ductless heat pump installation can be economically efficient when done strategically but can be costly per unit.

Understanding your long-term comfort needs, budget, and home design will ultimately help you make the right decision about your heat pump.

Grissom Heat & Air Can Help You Make Heat Pump Decisions

Homeowners throughout Knoxville know they can trust Grissom Heat & Air to help them choose and install the ideal heat pump for their setting. We have expertise in ducted and ductless heat pump systems, and we promise to guide you through the process. We can even help with financing. Our team is committed to your satisfaction, so contact us today to schedule a consultation.